Help Us with Our Efforts
We are a leader among Czech foundations and NGOs. We cooperate with private philanthropists, take care of their donations responsibly and fulfil a common vision. We distribute funds to civil society organizations, which we have mapped out over the long term and know well. We complement financial support with education and innovation. In the 30 years of our existence, we have supported more than 10,000 projects with a total of more than CZK 2 billion. Society changes and evolves, foundations remain. We are a stable base of support.
We take care of democracy in the Czech Republic. You can become part of our efforts as:
Whether you are an individual person or you represent a company, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you choose a suitable topic, we offer you regular information about the progress and impacts of the project you are supporting, the possibility of participation in the project or a personal meeting with the people being supported. Naturally, there is also the possibility of drawing up a donation contract and issuing a certificate about the donation for tax purposes.
We also welcome in-kind donations, we are particularly interested in hardware and software for our office (mainly laptops), space for rent, organizing events and catering.

Donor funds: We can manage your finances
The OSF Generation Fund: Build a Donor Club with us, the OSF Generation Fund
Since its inception in 1992, we have been at the birth of innovative projects. In the Czech Republic, we were the first to invest in art and theatre, harm-reduction or inclusive education. We supported the creation of initiatives such as Česko.Digital, Reconstruct the State or Cesta Domů (the Way Home), we were present at the birth of Eduzměna (Edu-change) and we led the Platform for Early Childhood Care and Development to become an independent entity.
We follow this tradition with the OSF Generation Fund, where we invest your initial seed capital meaningfully in further innovations and to support current burning issues. Search with us for gaps and overlooked areas in the non-profit sector and in the field of civil society.
Charitable Bequests
Have you thought about what will happen to your money or assets one day? What legacy will you leave behind? In the Czech Republic, nearly 150 million crowns a year is forfeited to the state from people who died without an heir and did not make a will.
By making a will, you can decide how your assets will be dealt with on that day. You can leave part of your estate to charitable causes, for the benefit of a foundation or a non-profit organisation whose activities you value.
We are looking for experts in financial management, HR, strategic planning, advertising, social media, PR, fundraising, (digital) marketing, IT, law, economics, translation, graphics, printing etc.

Promote the work of the OSF Prague. We will be happy if you spread the word about our activities and our ideas on the web, social networks, at workplaces, to business partners or to friends.

Iva Nevečeřalová
Communication with donors
phone: +420 771 298 267
Barbora Kardová
Communication with donors
phone: +420 771 298 254