
Open Society Fund Prague is a Czech foundation with a 30-year history. Our mission is to nurture democracy in the Czech Republic. We support and educate civil society and encourage the state to develop into a place where everyone has equal chances and participates in various activities in their surroundings. We open up sensitive and neglected topics and together with donors we seek trailblazers who will carry them forward. Over the last 30 years, we have supported more than 10,000 projects done by Czech non-profit organizations and individuals with more than 2 billion Czech crowns.


(English) A Deeper Look at Europe’s Election Results

Across Europe, one in three voters chose protest parties and anti-establishment candidates in last month’s European Parliament elections. Populists did well in both creditor and debtor countries, showing that protest parties are thriving even where economic conditions are not so…


Open Data: Smarter State and Better Services

Open data can benefit the public administration, business and citizens alike. Freelyaccessible structured data contribute to greater transparency of public administration, empower citizens to make informed choices and bring new business opportunities. For those reasons, the British Embassy in Prague,…


Europe needs a Roma working class

Roma represent more than 20% of new entrants into the labour force in the European Union's newest member states but their living conditions have actually deteriorated since many of them became EU citizens A girl in a Roma camp in…