Active Citizens Fund
In the Active Citizens Fund, we support civil society organisations, active individuals and disadvantaged groups in all of the regions of the Czech Republic. Through financial support, educational programmes and networking of organisations, we increase the civic level of engagement of (not only) young people, we strengthen transparency in the administration of public affairs, we promote respect for human rights and we take into account the needs of neglected groups. We change society #withCourage.
This programme has been implemented by the OSF Prague within the framework of the EEA and Norway Funds 2014 – 2021. In the Czech Republic, the programme is managed through a consortium of 3 organisations: the OSF Prague, the Committee of Good Will – the Olga Havel Foundation and the Scout Institute, on the basis of having been selected via an open competition. Through the EEA and Norway Funds, the states of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute to reducing economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and to strengthening cooperation with fifteen European states. The total amount earmarked for grant support amounts to more than EUR 13 million.
In the programme, we distribute funds through 5 different types of grants – basic, systemic, action, matching funds, and bilateral cooperation. Thematically, we focus on civic participation, advocacy and watchdog activities, the empowerment of disadvantaged groups, civic education and media literacy, and the strengthening and professionalization of nonprofit organizations.
More here:
Stories of Active Citizens Fund grantees


Jitka Štefková
Program coordinator

Veronika Řehořková
Program coordinator

Adéla Nejedlá
Program coordinator

Dana Recmanová
Program coordinator