Journalism Award
We appreciate quality Czech journalism
We care about the quality of journalism. Confidence in the media is on the decline and the media scene is changing. High-quality journalism is not mainstream anymore and there is no social consensus on what media and what journalism methods provide true and unbiased information. We enter the discussion about the quality of media content through the Journalism Award.
We have been organizing the Journalism Award since 2010 and through this award we appreciate journalistic achievements that capture interesting issues of today’s society. We cooperate with our partner organization Open Society Foundation Bratislava, which has been organizing this award in Slovakia for several years.
In the long term, the competition contributes to increasing journalistic professionalism and to the public debate on the state of journalism. It also highlights global trends and the need to develop new tools such as data journalism. It contributes to the coherence of the journalist community and at the same time to maintaining quality content as part of the media mainstream.
Close cooperation with the competition of the same name in Slovakia gives the Journalism Award an overlap and the opportunity to compare journalistic methods and topics that have an impact on societies in both countries.

Signing up articles for Journalism Award and their evaluation
Article nomination for the competition starts every December. Anyone can nominate an article. The Award is unique because it evaluates specific articles that can be signed up for various categories by authors themselves or newspaper editorials. Therefore, the work of a renowned as well as of a beginning author can succeed.
Contributions are evaluated by juries composed of respected public figures from the Czech Republic as well as from abroad, providing valuable feedback to journalists. At the same time, they draw the public’s attention to journalistic achievements that capture the issues of today’s society in an interesting way.
Since its start in 2010, 110 authors/author teams have been awarded and 3072 articles have been signed up for the competition. In the 9th year, 359 articles from 182 authors from 63 newspaper editorials have been signed up in 12 categories.
In 2020, we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary.
More information can be found at