Constituency Building: Insights and Ideas

  • Year of publication: Vše
  • Organization: Nadace OSF
  • ISBN: 978-80-87725-48-1
  • Publication download:

The ambition of this paper is to help launch a process to strengthen links between CSOs and their sympathizers and diminish the gap between CSOs and those who are currently distrustful of them. This is a big ambition. At this stage, we hope to draw attention to some ideas, inspirational perspectives and a couple of examples of what we think is good practice. It is a working paper and we hope that other inputs will follow from across the civil sector and will result in having a nuanced discussion. It turns out that most organizations in V4 countries, if the workshop in Prague was representative, currently do not have developed strategies for constituency building. This paper is not a manual to devise such strategies, but we believe that it asks some important questions and may hint at possible directions.