Survey: Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on NGOs

  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Organization: The Open Society Fund Prague
  • Publication download:

According to the survey, the vast majority of NGOs involved in the survey fear running into financial difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and more than half of them say they will need or already need financial support. A great reduction in the services provided by NGOs can also be expected both now and in the future.

This can have a major impact, especially on the most vulnerable groups of the population. As a result, a significant reduction in the social service network, which no one is able to replace at the moment, may lead to an increase in the number of people who find themselves in difficulties. This can result from the simple fact that, without help or counselling, these individuals will not be able to solve even minor financial problems, which may grow into greater problems such as the seizure of assets.

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