Libraries as guides through the 21st century
Libraries are important centres of civil society, education and culture in a wide range of municipalities. That is why, at the OSF Prague, in close cooperation with libraries around the country, we set out to strengthen their educational and community role. The aim of our programme is to develop libraries to be an active curator of different kinds of literacy – reading, informational, digital and especially media.
There are a lot of inspiring personalities working in libraries who have a close-knit relationship with the local community and are able to offer them the necessary services. The fact that libraries have the potential to reach people of different age groups or nationalities is also important to remember.
At the OSF Prague we have been cooperating with libraries since 2018, when we started to support libraries, initially mainly in the field of media education, together with the Union of Librarians and Information Workers of the Czech Republic (SKIP). We financially support their activities in the field of non-formal lifelong learning and connecting with members of their local communities, we contribute to the expansion of the programmes they can offer and further professionalization.
We provide librarians with media literacy seminars in addition to financial support, we connect them with other active people for mutual inspiration and we organize educational events for them with different kinds of experts.
Map of libraries involved in the programme

Bibliotheca inspirans awards
The OSF Prague, in cooperation with Česká Spořitelna, awards libraries that bring examples of good practice and inspiration in the field of non-formal education and strengthening local communities. In 2022, we awarded libraries that actively assumed their educational role in the field of media education. We gave Bibliotheca inspirans awards in 2023 to libraries that have been able to create a safe space for dialogue, where people of different generations and cultures can meet and strengthen good neighbourly relations.
Team dedicated to supporting libraries