Stronger Roots 2023-2025
Altogether 43 civil society organizations and 16 networks in Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary received financial grants amounting to more than 1,6 million Euro from the Stronger Roots Program, started from October 1, 2023. The supported organizations will strengthen their communities of supporters and deepen their collaboration with public institutions. Another 52 civil society organizations were selected to receive a matching grant to their crowdfunding campaigns, in total amounting to more than 150 000 Euro. The Stronger Roots Program is jointly implemented by Open Society Fund Prague, Glopolis, Open Society Foundation Bratislava and the NIOK Foundation and funded by the European Union from the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme.
Supported Organizations
Arnika – Centrum pro podporu občanů
Project: Infrastructure of the Right on the City
Allocated Amount: 26 785,00 €
The project strengthens the communication and networking infrastructure of the Prague urban social movement, in which Arnika – Citizens Support Centre plays a central coordinating, educational and mediating role. It maps the needs and visions of active citizens of Prague and community leaders towards the organization, optimizes the way they communicate with each other and creates strategic priorities and new modern tools within its framework, supports the growth of an active community of supporters, and opens up local potential for cooperation between urban movements and organizations.
Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky, z. s.
Project: Prague Student Summit Alumni – Strengthening the Community
Allocated Amount: 29 989€
The Prague Student Summit (PSS) is the largest educational project of the Association for International Affairs (AMO), which is attended by more than 300 high school and university students from all over the Czech Republic every year. In the academic year 2024/25, it will celebrate already 30 years of existence. During this time, it was attended by thousands of students, but most of them lost contact with PSS and AMO. This project will make it possible to establish a connection with them, to build the foundations of the functioning of their community, to build on their old friendships and, thanks to this, to use the potential that this group has for both PSS and AMO.
Centrum Konipas, z.ú.
Project: Building a Community of the Educational Center Konipas
Allocated Amount: 29 875,00 €
Konipas Centre is an educational and training centre for aspiring organic farmers with elements of environmental social enterprise. It aims to create a functional space to transfer knowledge and experience and to connect diverse groups of people interested in sustainable farming, local development and stabilisation of rural areas. Building a broad community of friends, collaborating people and organisations is essential to its success. The aim of this project is to expand the capacity of the team and its know-how to build this community, to improve the presentation of the Centre and to raise funds for upcoming stages of its development.
Centrum pro společenské otázky – SPOT, z.s.
Project: Minimum Decent Wage – Strengthening the Negotiating Capacities of Employees
Allocated Amount: 27 553,00 €
Today’s society is threatened by increasing polarization, to which existing social policy instruments are insufficient to respond. Civil society and the EU now emphasize better wage conditions for workers. In recent months, our organization has become more involved in supporting, networking, and sharing knowledge in response to emerging local activities (in social work, universities, culture, and platform economies). The project aims at linking local activities to current developments at the EU level and strengthening the capacity, expertise, and networking of people active in the area of improving wage conditions.
Project: CONNECT – Building a Community of EUROTOPIA.CZ, o.p.s.
Allocated Amount: 29 488,00 €
The project is focused on building a community of supporters and donors of the organization. Through the visibility of the organization in the regions in which we operate and the development of the organization’s fundraising activities, we want to achieve greater stability, financial independence and gain local actors and companies as supporters.
Jako doma – Homelike
Project: Homelike o. p. s. like at Home in the Society
Allocated Amount: 23 563,00 €
Homeless people are a target group with a great stigma attached to them. This also affects the organizations working with them. Jako doma – Homelike o.p.s. has been working comprehensively in the field of women’s homelessness for 10 years: providing direct social work, job opportunities and “giving voice” to homeless women in the public debate. Our community of supporters is large, but we consistently struggle with a lack of capacity to develop it. For the last 2 years we have been continuously facing crises. In order to be able to withstand them, we need to develop our supporter community much more. We also want to invest the acquired know-how back into the mutual strengthening of Prague social services.
Liga lidských práv
Project: New Beginning of the Relations with the Community of Supporters of League for Human Rights
Allocated Amount: 29 141, 00 €
We are a human rights watchdog protecting the rights of vulnerable individuals. Therefore, we need an engaged supporter community that would collaborate with us in raising awareness about systemic shortcomings and support our work through individual donations. We aim to analyze the existing inactive community and their interest in the topics we address. Based on the analysis, we will create a tailored communication and fundraising plan and invite the community to take action. In case of community stagnation, we need to identify potential members of our community and how to engage them to become our partners.
Respondeo, z. s.
Project: People Becoming Supporters, Supporters Becoming Donors, Donors Becoming Partners
Allocated Amount: 29 761,20 €
Our goal is to build a strong community of supporters, donors and partners of the organization. Through information campaigns on key topics, linking communication channels, paid advertising on social media and presentations in the regions, we will raise awareness of the organization in all districts of activity. We will establish new partnerships with companies, organizations and initiatives. We will create offerings for corporate partners and regular donors to strengthen relationships and connections with the organization (live event schedule, in-person meetings, donor club). We will recruit new donors and build the base of the organization’s financial reserve.
Semínkovna, z.s.
Project: Seed Community
Allocated Amount: 29 907,82 €
Seedbeds are a free initiative for everyone. Within the Seedbeds we exchange small quantities of seeds for personal non-commercial use free of charge. The aim of the project is to create a functional communication system with the individual Seedbeds, so that they receive the necessary support for their local activities. We will create a fundraising strategy and a communication strategy to gain supporters for the idea of self-sufficiency in cash crop cultivation and to promote biodiversity while preserving regional varieties of these crops.
Středisko ekologické výchovy SEVER Horní Maršov, o.p.s.
Project: Understanding our Supporters and Taking Good Care of Them
Allocated Amount: 29 938,60 €
The project is aimed at a deeper understanding of its supporters, building their community and better caring for different segments of supporters (educators, public sector workers, etc. It seeks to better identify the main existing and new potential important supporters, prioritize among them, analyze their profiles and needs, and design and test ways to reach and engage them more systematically in order to strengthen SEVER’s mission and increase its economic self-sufficiency.
Učitel naživo, z. ú.
Project: People/Leaders Matter
Allocated Amount: 30 000,00 €
The goal of Teach Live (UNZ) is to create conditions for the Czech education system to have top-quality teachers and principals who make it possible for children to learn in schools fully, with joy and equal opportunities. We can’t do this without the people and leaders who make up our diverse community of supporters: these include, first and foremost, educators of future teachers and teachers and principals who have graduated from our training programs. Systematic work with communities has not been part of UNZ’s strategy, and we want to make use of the potential of the community to fulfill the goals of the organization, i.e. to systemically improve the quality of education in the country.
Unie rodičů, z.s.
Project: Parents as Partners in Education
Allocated Amount: 29 620,25 €
The project targets parents who are interested in their children’s education, try to be active in this area, want to get involved in school life, but need appropriate support. Thanks to the information service, sharing of experience and connecting with other actors in the places where they live, these people can become a kind of “ambassadors of change” across the republic.. They can contribute to parents being perceived as partners in education, increasing their awareness and supporting changes in the spirit of modern educational trends and in accordance with the strategic educational documents of the Czech Republic.
ZO ČSOP Veronica
Project: Stronger Veronica – Together for the Climate Protection
Allocated Amount: 29 994,00 €
Thanks to our educational events and long history, we have access to a large number of supporters in our organization Veronica. Our goal is to strengthen our relationships and build a community that will be a lasting support for us. We believe that better connection will help not only us as an organization, but also our supporters as a community. So we want to seize this opportunity to make us all, as part of the climate movement, better at protecting the climate through the connected power of people caring for each other while working together.
Aevis n.o.
Project: In order to understand
Allocated Amount: 29 500,00 €
We want to build a community, a network of supporters and donors who care about nature conservation and would like to participate in it together with us. We want to develop and support the National Park Poloniny. We want to build a clear recognition of our organisation. At the same time, we want to work with the community in a systematic, targeted, clear and transparent way. A strategy, target group analysis, CRM, web adaptation and active online marketing will help us to do this. Thanks to these activities, we want to achieve sustainability of the project after its end.
Bronco n.o.
Project: Adult Kubik 4.0
Allocated Amount: 30 000,00 €
As a strong committed grass-root bottom-up led community united around the space named Kubik within the organisation Bronco n.o., we feel the need to professionalize ourselves to fully utilize the potential we have in society. The main goal is to try to advance our skills in working with the supporter community and how to get multi-source and ethical funding. This will allow us to maintain continuity in the activities we do, start new initiatives and be a stronger voice in the community.
Bystriny, o.z.
Project: A strong, connected and contributing base of Bystriny
Allocated Amount: 23 782,88 €
The project aims to utilise and systematically develop the potential accumulated in the wide audience captured by the Bystriny network and its activities, to use it authentically for the strategic needs of the organisation (financial, capacity, sustainable functioning). Through systematic work, convert the potential to increase the organization’s sustainability and impact, social legitimacy, and its strong anchorage in key communities and among stakeholders, to increase the resilience of Bystriny and civic local activism.
Project: Sereď Community Hub
Allocated Amount: 29 906,50 €
Our goal is to create a program for long-term individual volunteers and a program for businesses that encourages volunteerism and at the same time financially supports our organisation. Since the first round of Stronger Roots, we have gained two new business partnerships for volunteering. We want to focus on communication campaigns for regular giving that reaches individuals in our community and for strategic fundraising. At the same time, we need to support the long-term sustainability of our organisation thanks to activities that focus on our community of supporters and engaging them in ways that are appealing to them.
Komunitná nadácia Bardejov
Project: Community Foundation of Bardejov 2.0
Allocated Amount: 29 540,00 €
The project aims to deepen the engagement of the Community Foundation of Bardejov in the local community, streamline internal processes, develop key strategies and set long-term sustainable goals in collaboration with experts to respond to the current needs of the community’s social base through its activities.
Návrat, o. z.
Project: Revitalization and growth of the Návrat’s social base
Allocated Amount: 29 981,40 €
The main goal of our project is to significantly expand our social base and community of supporters. We will achieve this goal by modernizing our communication. Through strategic measures, we will expand our donor base to include people who have no experience with our services to go beyond the natural reach of our communications and reach the general public with topics about Návrat’s (Return’s) services and impact. We will make sustainable changes that we will build on after the project ends and create the technology infrastructure for effective fundraising and awareness raising.
Občianske združenie Barlička
Project: The community of families: now properly
Allocated Amount: 28 910,00 €
The project aims to develop Barlička, to improve awareness of its services and opportunities. We will establish a functioning community of supporters from the families of current and future clients through a Family Support Program divided into 2 parts – Expert and Community. We see project sustainability and strategic development in computerizing processes and aligning communication.
OZ Vagus
Project: Expanding the Domec community
Allocated Amount: 18 600,00 €
The main goal is to expand the community of people around the day centre for homeless people named Domec, which consists of volunteers, financial supporters, and corporate partners. Therefore, Vagus will create a volunteer program and professionalize the work and communication with donors. The result will be the creation of a community that cares about people affected by extreme poverty and helps them directly or indirectly.
Platforma rodín detí so zdravotným znevýhodnením
Project: Building the Platform of Families in the regions
Allocated Amount: 30 000,00 €
The project aims to increase the stability and long-term sustainability of the activities of the Platform of Families by creating long-term and effective partnerships with supporters in the regions. Clearly defining the specific form of support from them, including engaging in activities to support families of children with disabilities. Activities will include target group analysis, development of a communication strategy, active online communication, community-building meetings and at least 1 individual fundraising campaign.
Saplinq, o.z.
Project: Building LGBTI+ communities in smaller towns
Allocated Amount: 29 050,50 €
The project will be based on providing support in building and developing local communities of people interested in LGBTI+ issues in smaller towns in Slovakia. Its main aim is to strengthen the capacity of the organisation as well as the capacity of the Slovak LGBTI+ movement in general. Activities will include research in localities, engagement with target groups, organising community meetings and training, publishing a practical guide and a final joint event.
Stará jedáleň
Project: A more community-oriented Stará Jedáleň
Allocated Amount: 18 600,00 €
The aim of the project A more community-oriented Stará Jedáleň (Old Dining Hall) is to create conditions for active participation of community members in the life of the community centre, to improve communication outputs informing about the activities of the organisation, as well as to organise a series of interesting community events. Thanks to the project, we will be closer to achieving the long-term vision of a modern 21st-century community centre.
Truc sphérique
Project: Refresh 25 Stanica/Synagog
Allocated Amount: 25 250,00 €
We want to strengthen the social base and resistance and to refresh the organisation after 25 years of its existence, after the departure of the founding members. We need to strengthen staff capacity and kick-start generational change. We will introduce/revise internal processes, external communication and stakeholder relations. We will involve newer members in management at the internal level, and involve volunteers at the external level.
Project: Developing a community of donors and supporters
Allocated Amount: 30 000,00 €
By building a stable community of donors and setting up related processes, we want to contribute to making our programme of accompanying long-term patients, especially cancer patients in hospitals, sustainable and able to cope with the challenges. Through creating fundraising and communication strategies and implementing them, including social media campaigns, we want to learn how to recruit individual and corporate donors who will enable Vŕby (Willows) to help patients and continue to fulfil its mission.
Záhrada – Centrum nezávislej kultúry, n.o.
Project: Garden for Communities – Communities for the Garden
Allocated Amount: 30 000,00 €
The project aims to strengthen the sustainability of the Záhrada’s (Garden’s) activities, diversifying its income and strengthening its relationship with its community of supporters. The organization will therefore implement a year-round community outreach program for its supporters, a fundraising program targeting regular donors, as well as one-off donor campaigns. In addition, it will improve its communications, of which communication with potential donors will be an integral part. The project will enable the creation of a new position of fundraiser.
Bátor Tábor Alapítvány
Project: Building our regular donor base
Allocated Amount: 20 000,00 €
Our project aims to increase the number of our regular supporters and donations by 50% in 18 months. This can be done both by recruiting new regular and by converting one-off donors. We would like to further develop our donor management process and reposition the value proposition of regular donors by creating the experience of belonging to a club.
Csodaműhely Egyesület
Project: Sound base – creating long-term sustainability
Allocated Amount: 28 173,00 €
Our aim is to create long-term sustainability for our Complex Opportunity Programme Package. To do this, we need to expand our human resources, professionalise volunteer management, strengthen communication and fundraising strategies, and develop leadership and change management. The intended impact of the project will be to strengthen our organisational structure, sustain our programmes in the long term and build a social base committed to our programmes for disadvantaged people.
Egyenlő Esélyekkel az Iskolapadban Egyesület
Project: A dedicated social base of suuporters and volunteers
Allocated Amount: 22 962,00 €
Our aim is to strengthen our supporter and donor base and develop our volunteer recruitment system. To do this, we are strengthening our relationships with our supporters, creating new partnerships with local businesses and working to provide our volunteers with more diverse opportunities to connect. As a result, we expect to continue to work with an engaged and active community to reduce educational inequalities in a stable and sustainable organisation.
Élménylelő Ifjúsági Egyesület
Project: Nest Supporter Program
Allocated Amount: 28 200,00 €
The aim of the Nest Programme is to create a strong social coalition to improve the situation of disadvantaged children and/or children in child protection and to increase their chances. Through the programme, we involve local businesses in our opportunity-building activities, so that we can stand on stronger feet, have more allies for our cause, and organise a stable community to better promote the interests of young people in child protection.
E-misszió Egyesület
Project: RE-mission. Establishing a social base
Allocated Amount: 29 254,00 €
The social purpose of our association is the regeneration of natural systems. This can only be achieved with the active involvement and cooperation of the members of society. The main objective of the project is to create our social embeddedness. We will do this by preparing a strategy, developing our membership and support base, building relationships with other social actors and training future leaders. By the end of the project, we want to be able to continue building on the foundations we have laid.
Fertő tó Barátai Egyesület
Project: Act together for Fertő
Allocated Amount: 29 746,00 €
The mission of our association is the protection of the natural and cultural heritage of the Fertő region, and to this end we would like to achieve the following goals with our project 1. to improve our communication work with new channels and effective content, especially towards young people and small families, 2. to increase our donor base. We expect the above to have 2 main effects: 1. to increase the younger generations’ support for the association 2. to generate sufficient income to co-fund future projects.
Független Előadó-művészeti Szövetség
Project: Culture is a national base
Allocated Amount: 26 930,00 €
With the drastic withdrawal of resources from the independent theatre and dance and theatre education sector, the focus of funding for artistic activities must shift to private patronage. This situation requires a further change of approach beyond the existing advocacy role of the FESZ: to expand our existing support fund by attracting new donor groups, to operate a transparent and sustainable support fund.
Gólyahír Alapítvány az Örökbefogadó Családokért
Project: Growing the social base fo Gólyahír Alapítvány
Allocated Amount: 27 874,00 €
Goal: To increase our social base to reach the critical mass that will allow for greater visibility and financial sustainability. 1. In the next phase of the Foundation’s development, we will involve new target groups not directly involved in adoption -Professionals working with children -Institutions -Patrons 2. Development of the volunteer team 3. Expansion of the regular donor base
Humán Platform Egyesület
Project: Public education advocacy based on expanding social base
Allocated Amount: 29 835,00 €
The theme of the project is to increase the social base of the Teachers’ Movement, retain existing supporters and triple the number of regular donors. We want to increase the number of newsletter subscribers and the number of teacher subscribers. We will create a central activist cell to support the work of the staff.
Konnekt Egyesület
Project: Rethinking Konnekt’s recruitment strategy
Allocated Amount: 29 960,00 €
The project will help us rethink our communication strategy, develop a comprehensive CRM system and build successful recruitment and donor campaigns. Our aim is to maximise the scale of our programmes, grow them further and strengthen our income from donations. As a result of the project, we will be able to help more young people with career guidance in the coming year and more than people online with our educational content.
Menhely Alapítvány
Project: At home again? Can’t do it alone…
Allocated Amount: 29 995,00 €
Part of our work is to prepare society for non-judgmental dialogue and cooperation when it comes to homeless people. Through the project, we will learn to communicate more consciously and effectively about our aspirations, amplifying the voices of people without shelter, engaging our supporters, donors and volunteers in projects. Our communication will be renewed, our website will become more transparent, modern and accountable, and the number and involvement of our volunteers and supporters will increase.
Mother Nature – Anyatermészet Egyesület
Project: Mother Nature: the power of community
Allocated Amount: 24 600,00 €
The project “Mother Nature: a Community Force” aims to develop and strengthen the community of the Mother Nature Association. It also focuses on building reciprocal relationships with new target groups, both on the volunteer and supporter lines. By understanding the needs and opportunities of the mothers involved in the project, we will develop and implement an engagement and communication strategy, ensuring long-term sustainability.
Nevetnikék Alapítvány
Project: Full treasure chests for sick children!
Allocated Amount: 29 953,00 €
Indirectly, we want to develop support for the mental health of sick children in hospital. We have been running a volunteer programme in the South Transdanubian region for 15 years, with experiential hospital visiting programmes, story wall painting and toy making. In our toy-making workshop, we would like to involve corporate partners as team-builders to create handmade toys for chronically ill patients. And the company will contribute financially to the long-term sustainability of our programs.
Pécsbányai Kulturális Egyesület
Project: New Pécsbánya mosaic
Allocated Amount: 26 654,00 €
We would like to transform the self-image of Pécsbánya, which is burdened with negativity due to historical reasons and prejudices. Our association can self-diagnose and fulfil its mission as set out in its constitution. Our research and the evaluation of the information gathered will draw attention to the settlement area in professional and open forums. Through our work and support programmes, our newsletter and initiatives will become popular, resulting in an active community life and lively internal communication in Pécsbánya.
Somnakuno Drom Roma Női Civil Egyesület
Project: Romani Zor – Women’s Power
Allocated Amount: 21 929,00 €
Our Roma Women’s Organisation wants to develop strong, effective communication that attracts supporters and volunteers, and to use effective communication tools to fight racism and exclusion against Roma women. Our goal is to become the strongest, independent Roma Women’s CSO in Szabolcs County through the knowledge we have acquired during the project.
Utcajogász Egyesület
Project: Building a base of lawyers and supporters
Allocated Amount: 29 997,00 €
The aim of the project is to increase the volunteer capacity of Utcajogász and to develop its donor base. By strengthening the volunteer team and recruiting pro bono lawyers, we will be able to meet increased client demand resulting from the economic crisis and have more opportunities to achieve our strategic goals. By increasing the small donor base, through follow-up campaigns and by developing new corporate relationships, the organisation will be on a more secure footing.
ČAPLD – Česká asociace pracovišť linek důvěry, z. s.
Project: Available Emergency Assistance
Allocated Amount: 29 656,00€
The goal of the project is to support the process of creating a basic network of crisis services in the Czech Republic. The network brings together workplaces providing remote crisis assistance, but many of them also operate in the field of crisis assistance in general. For more than a year now, we have been trying to support the creation of a concept (a set of measures) at the level of the Ministries and the Government, which follows on from the National Suicide Prevention Plan and which would ensure a network of available crisis services in the Czech Republic. With this project, we would like to support our work to complete the entire process and add the possibility of cooperation with the media and entities operating in the public space.
Česká asociace streetwork, z.s.
Project: PLATZ for All
Allocated Amount: 30 000,00€
The project will expand the existing community working in favor of the systemic anchoring of the training employment method in the Czech Republic – PLATZ (Platform for training employment). PLATZ will involve Labor Offices, municipalities, cities, regions and newly arrived social enterprises in its activities. The goal is to support the employment of people with social disadvantages through the cooperation of the above-mentioned actors.
Platforma pro sociální bydlení, z. s.
Project: Stronger Roots for Ending Homelessness
Allocated Amount: 29 740,00€
As many as 1 400 000 people in the Czech Republic are facing serious housing problems today. In order to address these problems in a systemic way, the Czech Republic needs to adopt and start implementing functional legislation in the area of housing support. A government bill is currently being drafted which has the potential to be such legislation. It is based on the proposal of the cross-sectoral initiative Za bydlení, whose initiating member and coordinator is the Platform for Social Housing (more here). Through the project, we want to strengthen transversal cooperation on law-making and advocacy with key actors both outside and inside the initiative.
Síť pro rodinu, z.s.
Project: Partnership for Strengthening the Values of the Family
Allocated Amount: 30 000,00€
The project focuses on strengthening maternity, family and community centres as key actors in the prevention of adverse family situations. A new Family Policy Strategy for the period 2023-2030 is currently being prepared. The project seeks to establish stable partnerships with public sector actors at all levels through discussions, roundtables and regular contact. The aim is to influence the development of the strategy and other relevant legislative measures related to family policy. The main impact of the project is directed towards the member maternity, family and community centres and the approximately 75 000 families who regularly use these centres.
Stálá konference asociací ve vzdělávání, z.s.
Project: Together for Implementation of the Curriculum
Allocated Amount: 29 998,25€
The reform of the Framework Educational Programmes is one of the steps towards the implementation of one of the two main objectives of Strategy 2030+, namely “To focus education more on the acquisition of competences needed for active civic, professional and personal life.” The project responds to the failure of the previous curriculum reform, which affected only about 10% of schools. One of the reasons was an underestimated implementation phase. This project will focus on strengthening the implementation phase of the reform through a coordinated collaboration to support schools in implementing the revised curriculum framework, which should lead to better learning for children.
Zelený kruh
Project: Environment – A Topic that Connects
Allocated Amount: 29 989,00€
To protect the environment effectively, we need new partners. Based on member demand, we have selected two ministries that are very important from an environmental perspective, but communication with them is ad hoc and mutually distrustful. To achieve change, environmental NGOs need to improve their advocacy skills and actively pursue a systematic dialogue with public authorities. In addition, we will engage members who are not yet active in developing common positions and strengthen the network with new members. Through the project, NGOs and the two ministries will learn about the benefits and costs of participation and the advantages of exchanging expert views.
Anténa – sieť pre nezávislú kultúru
Project: A dialogue to strengthen independent culture
Allocated Amount: 29 970,70€
The main goal of the project is to improve the conditions of the independent culture environment. We want to achieve this by strengthening our capacities through strategic planning of network development and transversal cooperation with public institutions that set the support and public cultural policies for its functioning. Both processes will involve small non-Bratislava member organisations, together with whom we will prepare concrete proposals leading to the development and sustainability of independent culture actors.
Asociácia detských lesných klubov
Project: The future for children’s forest clubs
Allocated Amount: 22 300,00€
Children’s forest clubs are facilities where education and learning take place in intensive contact with nature. They are a common part of the education system throughout the world. In Slovakia, there is no legislation yet that would allow such facilities to operate within the school network and therefore they are inaccessible to many families. In this project, we aim to strengthen the position of children’s forest clubs in Slovakia, in terms of legislation, quality and awareness of the benefits of education in a natural environment.
Nadácia DEDO
Project: Platform for ending homelessness (PUB)
Allocated Amount: 29 746,00€
The PUB project aims to build an umbrella organization focused on preventing and ending homelessness in Slovakia, which will not only be a long-term expert partner of the public sector for designing and implementing policies with this goal but will also create a broad membership base of diverse actors who implement activities to end homelessness in towns and regions across Slovakia. The goal of PUB is to achieve a national systemic change from managing to ending homelessness.
Platforma rozvojových organizácií Ambrela
Project: Civic uphold the recovery plan of Ukraine
Allocated Amount: 29 960,00€
The project aims to create a space for the involvement of Slovak NGOs in the recovery of Ukraine. Several factors are important in this respect. First of all, strong support from the public sector is needed, which can be obtained through active contact with it. It is also important to actively involve the civil sector from across the country, which will be helped by working in working groups, building partnerships and professional capacity. A prerequisite for this is the internal transformation of Ambrela – to be more open to non-members and at the same time to be able to actively engage members.
Priatelia Zeme – CEPA
Project: Building a climate platform and strategic partnerships
Allocated Amount: 30 000,00€
The project responds to the climate crisis and Slovakia’s lagging in addressing it. It will contribute positively to the development of effective climate policies by building quality partnerships across sectors. The activities will fulfil two objectives: to make the NGO platform Climate Coalition more effective and to involve non-Bratislava organisations in the cooperation. By sensitively involving actors of different types (state, NGOs, business) and levels (central, regional) in a functional cooperation we want to increase the action capacity of the Slovak Republic in addressing the climate crisis.
ŠPIRÁLA – sieť environmentálne výchovných organizácií
Project: Strengthening of the EVVO ecosystem
Allocated Amount: 29 906,50€
We want to use the momentum of strategic milestones in the coming years (2026 – the widespread introduction of a new curriculum, 2024-2025 the preparation of a new national strategy for EVVO – environmental education and awareness) to strengthen and harmonize the formal and informal ecosystem of EVVO in Slovakia. We want to strengthen the internal capacities of Špirála (Spiral) and regional EVVO providers and support capacity building of public actors. We want to take into account new challenges and perspectives in discussions on EVVO and chart a course for how we can grasp these challenges as shared opportunities.
Civil Tudósítói Hálózat
Project: For the Civil Correspondent Network
Allocated Amount: 29 372,00€
The aim of the project is to strengthen and expand the network of correspondents linked to Civil Radio, made up of people working for NGOs or committed to promoting a local social cause. Our correspondents report on local, rural events, thus strengthening the visibility of local society and the community decision-making mechanisms of the municipality. Through the project, we aim to promote the engagement and professional development of our members through training and ongoing workshops.
EGALIPE – Hálózat a Romák Egyenlőségéért
Project: EGALIPE – Network for Roma Equality
Allocated Amount: 30 000,00€
The aim of the project is to strengthen our network so that we can represent our common interests more effectively. Our activities will be: recruitment of new members, creation of a policy platform, dialogue with government, communication workshops with journalists and editors. Expected results are: networking and communication strategy, a more cohesive network, a cooperation platform with the Ministry of Interior, active advocacy on the use of EU funds, a series of workshops with the press, five new Roma NGOs.
Helyi Fejlesztők Hálózata
Project: Network of Local Developers
Allocated Amount: 29 928,00€
In the northern tip of Pest county, at the foot of Börzsöny, we are building a development partnership involving local authorities and NGOs. Starting from the base settlements, 5 additional settlements involved at micro-regional level, with the aim of promoting cooperation between different sectors facilitating, generating local projects and networking active players.
Szabad Terek
Project: Learning and partnerships – strengthening Szabad Terek
Allocated Amount: 29 960,00€
The national network of Free Spaces connects cultural spaces that provide an inclusive space for independent cultural programmes; for disadvantaged local groups and for ideas excluded from the public discourse. We want to initiate a dialogue between our member organisations and local decision-makers to understand and support the diverse cultural assets and social safety nets that our member organisations are creating in Budapest and in the countryside, strengthening local communities.
Tosara, z.s.
Project: Campaign to support inclusive children’s group Tosárka
Amount: 4 000 €
Through the project, we will organize a crowdfunding campaign to support the inclusive children’s group Tosárka, which connects children with and without socio-cultural disadvantage. The goal of the campaign is to raise funds to pay for kindergarten fees for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, who are included in the group for free, but also to promote the entire Tosárka concept and the importance of preschool education for all children regardless of their background.
ProJudo z.s.
Project: Crowdfunding Campaign ProJudo z.s.
Amount: 4 000 €
Our association aims to organize a crowdfunding campaign focused on integrating children from low-income families and disadvantaged communities. The goal is to raise funds to cover their sports-related expenses (e.g., competition entry fees) and to purchase their first kimonos. Additionally, we seek to strengthen community spirit by organizing meetings and events that bring children and their families together. We also plan to offer training and seminars for coaches and volunteers to more effectively support the development of children from disadvantaged backgrounds, with attention to the specific needs of working with this group.
Hospic svaté Hedviky, o.p.s.
Project: Ultrasound on the road
Amount: 3 388 €
Hospic sv. Hedviky provides comprehensive palliative care to patients in the terminal stages of illness. We often deal with issues such as ascites, or water in the abdomen, in our care. This complication can also be treated at home, where a doctor aspirates the fluid. To facilitate this procedure in the field, we would like to reach out to our community, supporters, and friends to help us purchase this device. Transport to the hospital for this procedure can be very exhausting for a frail patient in the terminal stage of illness. Ultrasound for the hospice will bring about an improvement in the quality of care in our patients’ homes.
Cesta von CZ, z. s.
Project: Omama Christmas Campaign
Allocated Amount: 3 333 €
The Omama Christmas Campaign is aimed at supporting 15 children (0-3 years) and their families from socially excluded localities in the Moravian-Silesian Region for two months through the Omama programme. The main objective of this programme is to achieve the development of children’s skills necessary for success in personal and professional life and to increase parental competence of families stuck in poverty. The consequence is a positive economic and social impact on the whole society.
Iuridicum Remedium, z. s.
Project: Twentieth Big Brother Awards
Allocated Amount: 3 200 €
In 2025 we will be announcing the Big Brother Awards for the 20th time. Over the last two decades, our society’s relationship with privacy has changed significantly: we leave more and more sensitive personal data and information behind, but at the same time, we find it less and less strange. For the 20th edition of the competition, we want to look back and answer a fundamental question: are we really suffering from the boiled frog syndrome and getting used to an ever bigger Big Brother? But for the twentieth Big Brother to be truly big, we need public support.
MigAct z.s.
Project: MigAct local meetups
Allocated Amount: 2 000 €
As part of the project, we will prepare and implement a campaign focused on raising funds for the training and capacity building of local community leaders – individuals who are active in neighborhood/local activities within the city of Prague. We will primarily target active individuals with a migration background. The selected project participants will undergo training aimed at strengthening their civic competencies and will organize local meetings on selected topics in their areas.
Asociace debatních klubů, z.s.
Project: Development of the Debate Program for Elementary School Pupils
Allocated Amount: 2 000 €
Czech education is knowledge-oriented, while practical skills are being neglected. Deficiencies in media literacy, lack of support for creative thinking and absence of teaching critical thinking or argumentation negatively impact the everyday and civil life of children and youth. The aim of the project is to expand the teaching method of debating as a form of informal education in Czech primary schools, thereby supporting the development of the above defined skills as well as fostering students’ life and democratic values. The main objective of the project is organizing debating tournaments and educational workshops for both students and teachers.
STUD, z.s.
Project: Brno Pride Week 2025
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
The aim of the Brno Pride Week 2025 crowdfunding campaign is to raise funds for the final event of the festival – the Pride Parade for the rights of the LGBT+ community, including an accompanying cultural programme. The campaign will be promoted through proven communication channels such as the Brno Pride Instagram profile, which has the greatest reach to potential donors. The Brno Pride Week 2025 crowdfunding campaign will connect our regular supporters with new donors and contribute to the equalisation of the LGBT+ community, eliminating discrimination and creating a safe space for mutual understanding.
Nadace Veronica
Project: This is a shitty campaign! (composting toilets for Veronica permacultural garden in Hostětín)
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
More than 5000 people visit Centre for Climate Education Veronica Hostětín every year. The plan to enhance the centre´s capacity by building another classroom goes hand in hand with a need to enhance the capacity of the toilets in the surrounding permacalutral garden owned by Nadace Veronica. Our project “This is a shitty campaign” focuses on raising 100 thousand CZK for building environmentally friendly composting toilets. The crowdfunding campaign will offer limited edition “shitty T-shirts and posters” designed by supporting artists and students accompanied by “a shitty gift” (an opportunity to donate and have the donor’s name carved on the wall of the toilet). The campaign will be promoted by a dedicated charitable plant market event and by a special day at Veronica charity shops.
Iniciativa Hlavák, z.s.
Project: Hlavák Initiative – helping refugees and migrants upon arrival to Prague
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
The Hlavák Initiative (HI) provides humanitarian aid and information assistance to refugees and migrants at Prague’s Main Station. Since its inception in 2015, HI has used crowdfunding only to cover humanitarian aid, otherwise we have been operating as a purely voluntary grassroots organization. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the spring of 2022 and a subsequent surge in the number of arriving Syrian refugees in the autumn of 2022, our operations have had to transform significantly. We’re helping on significantly larger scale than before as we’re working on the ground almost daily. At this point, we need to change our fundraising strategy in order to make our operation sustainable. Our work will undoubtedly be needed in the future.
Tělocvičná jednota Sokol Jablonec n. Nisou
Project: 130 years of Sokol Jablonec
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
Sokol Jablonec nad Nisou was founded in 1894. At the beginning of October 2024, we will commemorate the 130th anniversary of the founding of this organization. For this occasion, we would like to announce a collection for a publication, which will be a comprehensive overview of information about the activities of the gymnastics association Sokol from historical archives. As part of the pictorial appendix, we would like to publish historical photographs and documents. We also hope to supplement the book with stories of witnesses and interviews with former and current members of Sokol Jablonec nad Nisou.
Lumpíkov z. ú.
Project: Stop domestic violence!
Allocated Amount: 2 000 €
The purpose of the project is to provide psychological assistance, legal advice, childcare during consultations and arrangements, support in finding new housing and help with arranging social benefits for individuals experiencing domestic violence. The funds will be used to assist individuals who are experiencing domestic violence. Each person will be able to receive psychological and legal assistance on an individual basis.
Onfine, z.s.
Project: Systemic change in the Czech education system with the aim of introducing digital education into the curriculum
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
The long-term goal of our organization is digital wellbeing and healthy use of technology without impacting mental health. Experiences from practice and data point to the need for systemic change in education. Therefore, the crowdfunding campaign is intended to raise funds for advocacy work with the goal of mainstreaming digital education into the curriculum.
Víc z Netolic, z. s.
Project: We want a skatepark in Netolice
Allocated Amount: 2 000 €
We want to create a community that will participate in the repair of the destroyed skatepark in Netolice and its subsequent maintenance. A large group of children and young people want to play sports, but they have nowhere to go. In doing so, they erect their own dangerous obstacles. We want to help them achieve their goal, which is to have a space where they can improve in their sport.
Nekrachni, z.ú.
Project: Support, Save, Not Broke
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
The aim of the project is to support the expansion of the content of the web and mobile application for primary and secondary school students with the goal of improving their financial literacy. In its current version (, the application includes courses, a glossary, tests, and progress statistics. The newly developed version, which will be available on Google Play and the App Store, will feature many new functionalities, a new design, and a range of previously uncovered thematic areas. An important aspect of the application is the use of language that is comprehensible to Generation Z, the primary target group. The application focuses on developing users´ competencies that support their financial wellness.
Project: Women’s Summer Health Festival 2025
Amount: 2 500 €
Femtechclub is a civil association that builds a digital health platform for women. The association’s main goal is to educate, inspire, support and help women at every stage of their life cycle. The goal of the crowdfunding campaign is to organise a day-long event on women’s health for 150 women. During the day, we will guide visitors through the different phases of a woman’s life cycle with the intention of educating them on topics such as menstruation, fertility, menopause and overall health. Doctors, gynaecologists and other experts will share their knowledge in their lectures at the events. Practical workshops will also be included. New femtech solutions will be presented during the event, and the Femtechclub community will be strengthened.
Hory Doly
Project: Little book for backpack
Amount: 3 000 €
We started Hory Doly (Mountains – Valleys) when we were students. Already during our childhood, we perceived that going hiking with our parents was not as much fun as it could be. So, our goal is to take families and children hiking into the mountains DIFFERENTLY – through engaging stories and attractive activities linked to specific hiking spots. The crowdfunding campaign’s goal is to release a physical collection of stories for kids to put in their hiking backpacks so they don’t get bored while hiking. After the hike, we want children to ask: “When are we going again?”
Klíma ťa potrebuje
Project: The climate (still) needs you!
Amount: 4 000 €
Klíma ťa potrebuje (Climate needs you) started as an initiative of a few individuals, which grew into an idea shared by thousands nationwide. We are a group of those who recognise the threat that the climate crisis poses to the future of our survival on this planet. But we are also not giving up and want to solve the crisis. The primary goal of the crowdfunding campaign is to raise funds for the work of our regional climate communities (called climate hubs), which serve as a tool to reach, educate, and engage more and more people in addressing climate change in their own neighbourhoods. The resources raised will primarily be used for further educational events, membership training on specific adaptation (or mitigation) measures and new participatory projects in individual cities.
Klub Detskej Nádeje
Project: Summer oncology and cardiology camp 2025
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
Our civic association aims to improve and make life more pleasant and easier for long-term hospitalised or disadvantaged children. Our vision is to make memories of the hospital painless. Our community of volunteers regularly visits children in children’s wards in hospitals in several Slovak cities. The goal of our crowdfunding campaign will be to fund a summer oncology camp and cardiology camp in 2025. We want to continue the more than 20-year tradition of organising summer camps for cured or treated children and their siblings between the ages of 6 and 18. These camps help little heroes forget their health problems and build back their self-esteem.
Koľko Lásky o.z.
Project: Support the organisation of the 7th collection “How much love fits in a shoebox”
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
Organisation Koľko lásky (How much love) was established to support the organisation of volunteer-based activities focused on senior citizens. We set as our goal the creation of a tradition of organising a Christmas gift collection for lonely seniors called “How much love fits in a shoebox” and the creation of a loving cooperation between schools and facilities for the elderly. The aim of the crowdfunding campaign is to raise funds to cover the necessary organisational costs for a nationwide collection of Christmas gifts for lonely seniors. Over 70,000 people a year participate in our “How much love fits in a shoebox” appeal. The collection runs from November 18, 2024 – December 2, 2024. Still, volunteers need to be trained, posters printed and distributed, and other materials must be printed and distributed before the collection can be launched. After it is completed, we reward our 300 volunteers each year out of gratitude.
Most domov
Project: Last Christmas at home
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
The mission of the civic association is to ensure a dignified dying by providing assistance to the dying person as well as to all family members and accompanying them at the end of their life’s journey in the safety of their home. Our main activity is providing palliative care and accompaniment to dying patients and their families in the home environment. We carry this out on an ongoing basis throughout the year. The aim of our campaign is to raise funds to provide this activity, in particular for: regular visits by doctors and nurses to patients at home; psychological, social and spiritual support for the family; material and technological support for medical and nursing care; and the operation of the mobile hospice.
Občianska iniciatíva Grinava
Project: Grünfeld Curia for all
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
Civic Initiative Grinava is a community organisation operating in Grinava, a municipal district of Pezinok. It aims to improve the lives of local residents through various cultural, educational and social activities. Volunteers of this initiative also participate in brigades and improvement of the local Grünfeld Curia. We will use the funds from the crowdfunding campaign to create a programme and various events at the Curia for the general public to positively connect the public to this public space and to make them feel its potential. We will also organise a seminar for experts on the Pálffy family. At the same time, we will organise volunteer days for young people in cooperation with secondary schools, the Municipal Museum, creative workshops, exhibitions, musical performances, traditional events and so on. The aim is to show that the yard around Curia can be used safely and well while the main building is being renovated.
Partnerstvo pre sociálne inovácie
Project: We also want Lego STEAM
Allocated Amount: 2 500 €
Our mission is to create equal opportunities for all children on the path to education. We strive to make education a source of joy in learning and to foster a sense of achievement in every child. We are a smaller organisation but with a big heart for children. The crowdfunding campaign aims to raise funds for Lego building blocks, our proven means of playful learning. With the kits, we can continue our innovative STEAM activities that will enhance children’s knowledge and skills and promote their social integration. By purchasing more kits, we will engage more children. At the moment, the children are working in smaller groups. With the new kits we will increase their participation and also the number of children involved. The target group are children from Lunik IX.
Scripture Union Slovakia
Project: Family in the community (podcast series)
Allocated Amount: 2 000 €
Scripture Union Slovakia is part of the international Scripture Union movement, active in more than 100 countries worldwide. It is a movement of volunteers and professionals who work with children, young people and families, helping to create quality leisure activities and prevention programmes. The main goal of the crowdfunding campaign is the creation of a podcast on our “I work with children” platform with the theme Parenting and Community, as today’s families feel a lot of pressure, and what keeps families healthy is living in a community that serves as a support network of relationships, creating a safe environment for people of all ages and providing support even in times of crisis. We will invite professionals who work on the topic, such as psychologists, teachers, social workers, etc.
Slovenský skauting, 9. zbor Laca Krónera Ružomberok
Project: A new home for scouting adventures
Allocated Amount: 3 000 €
Scouting’s mission is to contribute to the full development of young people and their preparation for a fulfilling life. Our crowdfunding campaign aims to raise funds to purchase 5 new tents – sub-sheds, which we use on scout camps. As scout camps are held outdoors, we need a lot of tents, tools and materials to make it happen, which we use at the camps. It is in our tents (sub-sheds) where the participants live that the ravages of time have taken their toll, and the sub-sheds are almost unusable. For this reason, we would like to raise funds for new sub-sheds and the possible repair of those that can still be saved. If we raise enough funds, we will also use them to buy the materials needed to make the accessories and equipment for the sub-sheds (floors, bedside tables, shelves). Alternatively, additional equipment will be purchased directly with the new sub-sheds.
Slovenský skauting, 3. zbor Aničky a Bořivoja Uhrových Kežmarok
Project: Let’s create a Scout summer adventure
Allocated Amount: 3 000 €
Slovak Scouting, as an educational organisation with many years of experience in non-formal education, has one of its priorities to develop its members in all aspects and respond to young people’s current needs. The aim of our crowdfunding campaign is to raise funds for the purchase of equipment for our scout camp. The equipment we currently camp with is no longer sufficient. We are growing in members and need more equipment for lodging, cooking, and activities. We are also still using older items that should be replaced, either due to safety or if they are less functional. Our target group is children and young people up to 26 years old who are interested in adventure, friendships, nature, and personal development.
Project: STEAM Academy – Let’s support young innovators
Allocated Amount: 3 000 €
Since its founding in 2015, the SPy civic association has been spreading the word about the Python programming language and promoting STEM education. STEAM Academy is an educational program designed for high school students. Its principles are based on project-based learning and service-learning strategies. Our program aims to help talented young people improve their digital skills by identifying problems in their environment and then creating technical improvements or solutions. The programme is to result in projects being implemented by the student teams, their presentation to the public at a joint event and the announcement of the top three projects by an expert jury. Through the fundraising campaign, we want to raise funds to organise a final conference where the pupils will present their projects.
Project: Improving the lives of children with cancer
Allocated Amount: 2 000 €
Our mission is to help families with a pediatric patient get through a difficult time in their lives and walk with them on their difficult life journey, because it’s good not to be alone. We run several free support services to make life easier for children during active cancer treatment or for children in the terminal stages. The aim of the crowdfunding campaign is to raise funds for support activities for children from the Department of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology at the Children’s University Hospital Košice, which are mainly: free transport services for paediatric oncology patients; material and financial assistance to families; children’s mobile hospice and home hospice care; various targeted assistance to children and their families in terms of our organisation’s support services.
Project: Our projects, your information
Allocated Amount: 1 200 €
In recent years, the Zoulus association has carried out significant projects to improve the village’s infrastructure, restore landmarks and revitalise the ruined and littered Jewish cemetery. We have created a relaxation zone, a space for recreational activities; we are repairing the 1876 bell tower, a municipal landmark, and we have installed a Memorial to the victims of the Holocaust in the revitalised Jewish cemetery. Neither of these places is marked or described, the relaxation zone has no operating regulations installed, and the Jewish cemetery deserves information about the history of the Jews in the municipality and documentation about the progress of the revitalisation of this memorial site. With our crowdfunding campaign, we aim to inform the residents and place signposts on these places, which the association has created and cares for.
Ženské kruhy
Project: A parent of a hospitalised child is not a visitor
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
Ženské kruhy (Women’s Circles) is a civic association founded in 2011 as a response to systemic violations of women’s rights and persistent harmful practices in maternity hospitals in Slovakia. The vision of Women’s Circles is a non-violent, respectful, culturally sensitive health system that focuses on women’s needs and reflects the latest scientific knowledge. We draw on the experience that information about the rights of hospitalised children and parents is difficult to access and often contradictory. Parents face claims that they can only stay with their child until a certain age or during the day, which is not in the child’s best interest. The crowdfunding campaign aims to raise funds for a legal analysis of the rights of parents and children during hospitalisation. Based on the findings, we will prepare easy-to-understand information for parents about their rights and the rights of children in the hospital. We will disseminate them online to raise public awareness of the issue.
Project: Fate-turning fibres
Amount: 4 000 €
Together with the fashion studio Pinkponilo, we want to raise funds for an existing but reimagined project, which we launched in 2020 under the name Varroda-Vissza, and now we are starting the continuation with a new concept and name (Fate-turning threads). We plan to use the campaign funding to organise complex community days in disadvantaged small villages, which will both help people in need with second-hand products and educate them about their creative uses. The community markets, open to all, will be followed by upcycling workshops that will give participants not only an experience but also a real practice.
AppArt Egyesület
Project: Creating a Pük-pük-pük inclusive theatre performance
Amount: 4 000 €
In autumn 2024, we will launch our next fundraising campaign to create an inclusive theatre production entitled Pük-pük-pük. Target audiences: stakeholders of MáSzínház, especially relatives of participants with intellectual disabilities and autism, audience members attending our performances, people who support the mission of our association. In our experience, middle-aged women are over-represented among them.
Artopolis Egyesület
Project: Our Chicago / Neighbourhood Festival
Amount: 4 000 €
The Sandwich Bar collective, building on its local roots established over the past 2 years, is embarking on a months-long community-building process, during which we are planning the first Neighbourhood Festival of Outer Erzsebetváros (Tickling) together with the residents of the neighbourhood. Reinforcing a diverse local identity, unpacking unexplored district themes in a community context can have a long-term impact on how we harness our energies locally. In the first phase, we are working with local residents and small business owners: our aim is to uncover and amplify the stories of underrepresented groups in Tickago. In the second phase, we will process these personal stories through art workshops and community artworks, and the resulting works will be presented at the Neighbourhood Festival.
Csemetekert Közösség Alapítvány
Project: One fire, another water – community-building experience camp for the Piliscsaba School
Allocated Amount: 3 422 €
We will use the donations to organise a free 4-day summer camp for at least 20 school children in July 2025. Our goal is to provide children with experiential, recreational and learning opportunities, and a community-building experience that families would not have the financial means to provide. The grant would be used to cover the cost of camp accommodation, travel, meals, program expenses and the fees of the camp counselors. Most of the children in education are in the child protection system, at least 70% of them are in receipt of regular child protection benefits – the per capita household income does not exceed 47 025 HUF – and at least 50% are officially disadvantaged.
Diverzitás Közhasznú Alapítvány
Project: Maintenance of the Handcrafts Club
Allocated Amount: 1 316 €
The donations collected will be used to continue running the Handicraft Club for young people with disabilities in Gödöllő, which has been running continuously for almost 4 years, both for materials and for the salaries of the staff and invited craft professionals. As in the past, the sessions will continue to be held every two weeks on Friday afternoons. The Craft Club is also supported by volunteers, thus strengthening the social inclusion of people with disabilities and also sensitising volunteers.
Együtt Debrecenért Egyesület
Project: Will you have something to write about?
Allocated Amount: 1 000 €
Debreciner staff would collect for 2 office laptops to keep in the office. The new devices would contribute to working more efficiently and faster, as there have been examples of trainees’ laptops just starting to break down, being slow. Furthermore, it would also be useful because if there is an event for the online newspaper where it is necessary to use the laptop (projection), it would be an extra 2 devices at hand. So it is important to have 2 additional laptops that can be used at any time, as a good laptop is the primary tool for online journalism.
Északi Támpont Közhasznú Egyesület
Project: Toldi girls
Allocated Amount: 3 950 €
We will document the changes in the life situation of women in Told and the way they experience femininity in the framework of an art project. Using interviews recorded in Toldi and drawings made by local children, we will create an animated film called Toldi Girls, which will articulate the voices of Toldi women to the outside world and show how the lives of these women are evolving in today’s world, how their rights are being fulfilled or violated. We will also prepare a methodology for the film, led by Nóra L. Ritók, which will help to unravel and understand the information hidden in the film as fully as possible. The film will also be made available to educational institutions and NGOs.
Gerjen Jövőjéért Alapítvány
Project: the Place – Community space creation and Gerjeni Tájház
Allocated Amount: 1 200 €
As of November 2023, our foundation will be the maintainer/operator of the Gerjen Country House. We intend to make the renovated farmhouse the new cultural institution of our municipality. We want to create a community space in one of the rooms of the building. We plan to create a workstation for individuals and a meeting/collaboration space for small formal and informal groups. The main task for the near future will be to furnish and equip this community space, and if the application is successful, the proceeds will be used for this purpose. The target group of our programme is made up of people living in Gerjen on the one hand, and on the other hand of people who have come from the area and have some connection with it. The campaign will take place in the first two months of 2025.
Hősök Tere Alapítvány
Project: Support the Heroes’ Square Teachers’ Camp!
Allocated Amount: 2 000 €
In the summer of 2025, we will organise a 4-day Teachers’ Camp with teachers at the centre. Here they can gain deep theoretical and practical knowledge on everyday heroism, a development-focused approach and overcoming prejudice. They can deepen their self-awareness, broaden their experiential education toolbox and gain new impetus and motivation to continue their careers. Our camp is open to our alumni teachers as well as to those just joining. We need support to do this, because the cost of the camp is a burden for those on a teacher’s salary, but it is also a huge bonus for those working in the current difficult educational situation. The grant will allow 10 teachers to attend our 4-day event at a reduced, nominal fee.
Járókelő Közhasznú Egyesület
Project: Sustain and grow the Walker in 2025
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
The main activity of our association is the handling of public complaints by our volunteers. For this purpose, we maintain a network of more than 100 active volunteers in Budapest and in several rural towns. The aim of our campaign is to ensure that we have the capacity to increase the 27,000 successfully handled notifications planned for 2024 to 32,000 in 2025. This will increase our outreach by almost 20%.
Kecskeméti Szatyor Közösség Egyesület
Project: “Local” in the centre
Allocated Amount: 2 500 €
Our target group is the population of Kecskemét and its immediate surroundings, especially families who are interested in environmentally conscious living and healthy eating. Due to the capacity increase we are moving to a new location, i.e. to a bigger place. The move will require the purchase of new equipment. The 1st objective is to create a demanding transfer point. – Increase capacity in the shopping area by purchasing new shelves, coolers and uniform crates – purchase of tables, chairs, armchairs and carpets in the communal area – equipment for presentations: flipchart board, paper, pens, magnetic board – children’s corner (purchase of play equipment).
Kelet-Nyugati Alkotóműhely Egyesület
Project: Long Weekend
Allocated Amount: 2 500 €
Our fundraising campaign aims to successfully implement our three-day all-arts event, the Long Weekend, planned for December. Over the three days, participants will be able to attend a variety of cultural activities, including theatre performances, literary readings, movement-based theatre workshops, round table discussions, beginners’ folk dance classes and dance workshops, a visual arts exhibition, a short film screening and concerts.
Kétker Közösségi Alapítvány
Project: Let’s talk about dementia!
Allocated Amount: 1 664 €
One of the biggest challenges of our ageing society is caring for people with dementia. The health care system is not equipped to deal with the problem, and it is mostly the families who have to care for them. People caring for people with dementia face a lack of information and preparedness. Our aim is to alleviate these gaps by launching a pilot project in the district: 1. Compiling an on and off-line information brochure with professionals. Topics: Basic care skills (physical, psychological), physical and mental (physical, psychological), addresses and contact details of institutional and non-governmental helpers in the district, prevention, screening, 2. Dementia discussion groups and personal counselling for relatives.
Kompánia Alapítvány
Project: Training for mental and spiritual health
Allocated Amount: 3 950 €
The target group of the project is 35 children aged 7-18 years old from deprived families in Csepel who use the Kompania Learning Centre. In the course of our work, we are witnessing a persistent deterioration of the children’s mental health, with symptoms of several mental illnesses (e.g. anxiety, depression, emotion and impulse control disorders, learning disabilities). We are also seeing self-destructive and risk-seeking behaviour among them, as well as marginalisation in their communities. The project aims to promote the mental and psychological well-being of children through weekly individual psychological counselling in the second semester of the 2024/2025 school year and bi-weekly Kamas groups for adolescents, with the help of a psychologist.
Magyar-Lengyel Baráti Társaság Somogy Megyei Csoportja
Project: We are making history now!
Allocated Amount: 1 500 €
We would like to use the funds raised to expand our secondary school training programme for our book A Bite of Heaven. This means that we will give secondary school students a playful, engaging presentation in two combined history lessons, showing them what it was like to be a refugee during the Second World War and what it is like now, and then give them exercises in a situational game on how they would deal with different difficulties. How they deal with rejection, exclusion and deprivation. There have already been test performances of this, which have been successful with both teachers and students. We would like to extend this to three counties: Somogy, Zala and Fejér. The costs of this would be covered by the programme.
Miskolci Értékteremtő Közösségi Alapítvány
Project: MiskolcVibes – The voice of youth in pictures
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
Our campaign aims to implement a Photovoice participatory photography workshop series on the theme “My identity, my Miskolc” for young people (13-24 years old). Photovoice uses people’s photographic documentation of their everyday lives as an educational tool to record and reflect their needs, promote dialogue and encourage action. The aim is to enable Miskolc citizens to express their feelings and attachment to the city through images. We are also launching an online photo competition for all ages. The donation will be used to organise workshops, hire a photographer and a trainer, buy equipment, print and install the photos to be exhibited, organise the exhibition, pay for the photo competition and rent the equipment.
Mozgássérültek Budapesti Egyesülete
Project: The experience should be for everyone!
Allocated Amount: 1 316 €
The proposed programme. The destination depends on the current water level Esztergom-Visegrád-Szentendre. Departure from the barrier-free boat station at Vigadó Square. Additional costs for us due to the special situation of the membership to provide a barrier-free boat. The cruise is planned for 250 persons, so that wheelchair users and other assistive devices can be comfortably accommodated on the 500-passenger boat. The grant will be used to provide the accessible backdrop for the programme. The programme will be advertised to the membership, on our website, Facebook page and sent to other institutions working with people with disabilities.
Papírsárkány Gyermekalapítvány
Project: Souls that stick together
Allocated Amount: 2 632 €
Our goal in creating the Women’s Circle is to help girls in care belong to a supportive and safe community where they are accepted and encouraged, where they can freely share any topic without fear or secrecy. Our programme helps to build their confidence, self-awareness and resilience. Your donations will give them the opportunity to participate in monthly meetings led by a Women’s Circle professional mentor, where we explore exciting women’s issues. Attendees can meet and gain inspiration from each other through the presentation of different perspectives. Our target group is girls (15-25 years old) living in children’s homes or aftercare and teenage mothers, autumn 2024 – summer 2025.
Rábaköz Összefog Egyesület
Project: Let’s renovate the courtyard of the Rábacsécsény kindergarten together!
Allocated Amount: 1 700 €
The yard of the kindergarten in Rábacsécsény has very few and outdated yard toys. The sandpit and benches are outdated, and there are no nesting swings or children’s toys with springs. With this collection, we want to breathe life back into the kindergarten yard in Rábacsécsény, so we are collecting for spring toys, children’s benches and nesting swings. Our target group is the local 2-7 year olds, and we plan to implement the project in spring 2025.
Rosa Parks Alapítvány
Project: 10 years behind us, 10 years ahead!
Allocated Amount: 2 110 €
The Invisible Classroom helps disadvantaged, mainly Roma children in Yózsefváros with skill development and disadvantage compensation services. The aim of the campaign is to start a new group for 4-5th graders. This would provide all age groups with weekly experiential group activities, which would greatly help in the development of a supportive peer community. The sessions are based on a fairy-tale framework story and each session involves children in a different quest. These will focus on reading comprehension, logic, maths and mental well-being. With the help of the donations raised during the campaign, we aim to keep the group running for at least six months, from January – August 2025.
Superar Zeneművészeti Alapítvány Magyarország
Project: Music is a limitless opportunity – Make it possible for Superar kids to perform abroad!
Allocated Amount: 1 100 €
Among the children aged 6-15 who study at Superar, there is a high proportion of children from disadvantaged social backgrounds and/or Roma children who have never been abroad, as well as refugee children who have never been to Austria or Slovakia. Our aim is to use donations to raise at least. The aim is to send at least 10 children to a Superar concert in Austria or Slovakia as a guest. If the campaign is successful, a group of children will, thanks to their persistent efforts, be able to experience the thrill and confidence boost of performing abroad for possibly the first time in their lives, possibly on their first trip abroad in the spring or early summer of 2025. The primary use of the donations will be to cover the children’s travel, accommodation, meals, the salary of the accompanying teacher and any other expenses they may incur during the trip.
Tűzcsiholó Egyesület
Project: Put care on the Christmas table!
Allocated Amount: 4 000 €
The beneficiaries of the campaign are the same families we serve during the year, where one or both parents grew up in foster care. The campaign aims to put Christmas dinner on the table for these families. At Christmas, we bring donations of food for the family, gifts for the children and a caring hug for the parents. The 104 families live in remote villages in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, so it takes 6 days to get them out. This is scheduled for mid-December.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.