Civic Tech Open 2021
On Tuesday, November 23, we are organizing the Civic Tech Open, the second annual ceremonial event of our project Our State, Our Data at the Auditorium of the DOX Center for Contemporary Art. During the event, we will take a look back at the past project year by presenting the current activities, outputs and partners of the Our State, Our Data. You can look forward to the presentation of joint activities by Reconstruction of the State as well as with Česko.Digital. The event will culminate in the ceremonial announcement of the winners from the 9th annual Together We Open Data competition for the best non-profit applications built on open data, which includes four categories this year. We will wrap up the evening with some time for informal networking.
Civic Tech Open aims to support quality non-profit projects in the field of digitization and current technological developments, to highlight the contributions of non-governmental and governmental non-profit organizations in these areas and to create space for organizations to cooperate with each other or with private businesses. Therefore, we provide an adequate opportunity for people interested in civic technologies to meet across sectors so that they can share examples of good practice. We financially support projects selected by a qualified jury. We monitor and present current trends in the Czech Republic. We believe that the greatest contribution to technological development, the so-called civic tech, lies in open cooperation.
- The announcement ceremony of the winners from the four categories of the 9th Annual We Open Data Together Competition
- Presentation of current outputs of the Our State, Our Data project
- Presentation of the collaboration with the partners of the Our State, Our Data project in the area of the digital transformation of the state
- Informal networking
We will publish more detailed information about the event, including how to register for the gala evening, during the months of September and October.
Examples of Civic Tech
Hlídač státu (Watchdog of the State), a watchdog application that primarily monitors the economic activity of state institutions, as well as of specific individuals
Naši politici (Our Politicians), a watchdog application that monitors the political activity of Czech politicians
Cityvizor (City Dashboard), a watchdog application that allows citizens access to information related to the management of local governments and also helps local governments to better manage their municipal budget
Mapa exekucí (Map of Enforcement Proceedings), a map-based application focused on social rights, specifically in regard to citizen’s debts to the state. It is also intended to help authorities and institutions address the problems connected to over-indebtedness in a targeted and effective way
Cyklodoprava v Brně (Cycling in Brno), a community application developed by the city of Brno that helps cyclists, but also is used by the authorities for the targeted development of bicycle transport in the city
Prázdné domy (Empty Homes), an application also based on maps, which monitors the situation around housing and empty / unused real estate, points to the issue of housing vs the problematic management of private property / real estate
Mapa neziskovek (Map of Non-profits), another map application, this time with information related to the activities of non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic and basic information about them
Mapa autismu (Map of Autism), a map of the number of people with autism spectrum disorder, on the basis of which social and health services can be better planned
Kam s ním? (Where to Put It?), an application that is used to ensure that the maximum amount of “waste” ends up in the circular system and not in nature, landfills or incinerators
Přehled odběrových míst na COVID-19 v Praze a Středočeském kraji (Overview of COVID-19 testing sites in Prague and Central Bohemia), the application provides citizens with comprehensive information on all testing sites in the region, which is especially crucial at a time when the situation is rapidly deteriorating and a rapid response is needed